Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Album Update!

So I was able to get a quote from Andreas Gerdin about what we can expect from the new Machinae Supremacy album! Here's what he said: "I'm looking forward to the release! A lot of work left on it, but we should make the October release. The album is Machinae Supremacy. Different but same. Some things might feel new and some will sound like earlier albums. I think this album will be a little heavier (more metal?) than the last one, but it's too soon to say. By the end of July we'll know."

Monday, 11 June 2012

I found this amusing...

So I'm on Twitter a lot, and I post random tweets all the time.. Yesterday I posted this:
"How come I always find myself on Twitter?" and I woke up the next morning and found I had a reply to this tweet and it amused me. It read: 
"because Twitter is to Facebook what farts are to shit. The fun without the mess ;)"

I found it FUNNY and decided to SHARE it with YOU! Hehe.